Wednesday, December 11, 2013

So here we are.

The last week of the Fantasy Football Regular season. For the first time in several seasons my fate is actually in my own hands. Pancake and I are tied due to our tie and only 1/2 game back of TMC who holds the 4th and final playoff spot.

Who do i play this week? TMC. 

So surely Pan must root for me to win. For if I lose his win or loss doesnt matter. If I win, then he must also win to keep me out of the playoffs.  But while I play TMC, Pan plays League Leader Greg Winsor and his GypsyDangers.

So let the games begin.

Greg, Gary, and Butler, congrats on making it. Good luck.


Pan said...

What a nutty season. At least we got that know tradition!

Pan said...

What a nutty season. At least we got that know tradition!

Pan said...

Congrats Ogle. You made it I think! Good work to you gents at the top. Enjoy and prepare for the Danger Danger. Watch out for that flying Kaiju!

Dustin said...

I know, its gonna be a big week for the Whores as we embark into this playoffs and im in the Championship game in one of my other leagues.

2 out of 4 wouldn't be bad right?