Monday, December 16, 2013


Good lord Jamaal Charles came in and broke my spine Bane style. Once again Greg puts a beating on me. My once proud fantasy football team has been brought low. 3 petes. I have built a legacy upon broken men and questionable moral choices. It would seem though that the time has come to admit that The Gypsy Dangers are just too damn nasty. Congrats on your epic beatdown. Enjoy the playoffs. I'll be in my lifesupport suit till next year.


FTWinsor said...

(Rubs hands together gleefully) Moo hoo whah ha!

(It would have been nice of JC would have saved the 51 point effort for the playoffs, but I'll take it.)

Dustin said...

Well Greg sealed your fate Pancake. Now he is my problem as we will face off in the first round of the playoffs this week.

have at you!!