Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dear Chris Johnson:

I thought it would work out. I really did. The media reports told me all the right things - you were in good form, your contract was in good shape - but after three games, I discovered what you really were.

All the good times we had in 2010? That's all that they were - good times, memories we can look back and laugh about. Back then, you were rushing the football, scoring touchdowns, spanking the Lesbian Spank Inferno, tossing the Beertossers, and shitting all over the Deskshitters' desks. Things were great; we were on top of the world, you and I. Now? You languish on my bench. Your fantasy numbers are putrid. The magic is gone. 

And it's time to say goodbye. 

Goodbye, Chris. Be free. It's okay to go to another team. Maybe somebody desperate enough will pick you up and you can reignite the magic again. And that'll be okay. We all have to move forward. I have LeSean McCoy and Trent Richardson to take care of now.

No... don't say anything. No more words are needed. They can only hurt at this point.

We'll always have 2010, Chris. Always. 


Barry said...

I imagine you staring out a rainy window listening to this.

The Camdog said...

Break-ups are always so hard. Sorry things didn't work out for you two. I really thought you would go the distance.

Barry said...

Apparently that distance was more than 24 yards last week. Don't worry, Crowdsourced Bedshitting is the dating equivalent of Adult Friendfinder: free, unproven, and full of regret the next week.

Pan said...

This was amazing. Great job beating me this week...sorry to hear you and CJ are having a rough time here. I hope things work out for you in the future.

Dustin said...

cmon man! everyone knows before you drop a starting RB you do the complimentary attempt to trade him lol.

FTWinsor said...

Dustin - I thought about offering him around, but I'd get pretty much laughed at if I asked for anything higher than a backup tight end.