Friday, September 28, 2012

Crowdsourced Bedshitting: Week 4

This week I consulted Business Insider, ESPN, Yahoo Sports, CBS Sports, SB Nation, KSK, and ABC Sports. After melting down all of their recommendations, I was told to start some people I have, but also to bench Stephen Jackson. The distillation indicated that I should own him, but not start him this week. 

So I picked him up and dropped someone they told me to pick up last week (and then fire this week; you can see where the fun of this shitty experiment is building up).

Also, I was told to drop Willis McGehee, and pick up some Bilal guy from the Jets because he's going to get really expensive after total Shonne Greene meltdown. Mind you, I don't think I should, but the people have spoken. He now lives on my bench this week.

So here's to another week of proving that committees actually make you more stupid.

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