Friday, October 18, 2013

You listen up here, Gary

Since you are a newcomer here to BIAL Fantasy Football, its about time I informed you of the unwritten rules. Unwritten rule #1. New guys are not allowed to score more than 200 pts a game. Pretty sure we made Greg FTWindsor play for two entire seasons for allowing him to run wild all over us. Unwritten rule #2 There are two kinds of players in this league. Those who beat me by narrow margins and those who beat me by a lot. Im not sure which you intend to be, but do not think for a minute that your mere 106 pt projection is going to give me any false sense of security. I saw the 200 some points you laid upon two time BIAL Champ Jeffery Pancake last week and his Batter Blasters. You will not fool me, if you recall, I forecasted your autodrafted team to win this year, and win you shall Just don't beat me like a red headed step child

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