Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Midway Prediction Update

Ok, so we are midway through the season and I made some predictions. Lets see how I am doing this year thus far.... AFC divisions East - Patriots - very much still in the hunt, but boy they don't look good doing it. I still think they win this division in the most ugly manner ever South - Texans - This one is a bust. I don't see any way in which Indy doesn't bring this thing home. West - Broncos - WTF Chiefs... WTF... Somehow I still feel ok about saying the Broncos are going to pull this out. Surely SOMEONE will beat the Chiefs. Someone.... anyone???? North - Bengals - They are starting to hit stride. The Steelers are sucking it up and Cleveland looks good but I think the Bengals have a legit chance at winning this division. NFC East - Cowboys - The whole division is a wasteland and the Cowboys are the least shitty smelling group. How bout dem cowboys! South - Bucs - Don't ask me what I was smoking, but it was some good shit ok. This one, a definite bust. West - Seahawks - 49ers are looking good again, but I still stick with the Seahawks to close out this division. North - Packers - With the exception of the Vikings who are trying to do their best Tampa Bay impersonation, including picking up their QB, the rest of this division is sort of in the hunt. I still hold that the Packers will pull this out and hold off the Lions and the Cutlerless Bears to win this one. Its just a damn shame these 3 teams are all in the same division. Any one of them in the NFC East and they could have their way with that sorry sack of shit. I have a Broncos and Seahawks Superbowl predicted. Nothing has happened to make me waiver from that. If Seattle gets home field, its over for the NFC and unless Manning gets injured, I still think the Broncos look as good as anyone. Now for my BIAL predictions. I may have suggested that the Peoria Hustlers were gonna win in the Escape Division. Thus far, Im wrong. Its still the same two horse battle its been between RUN TMC and FTWindsor. The Hustlers are not out of it by a long shot, there is plenty of football to still be played. In the UIUC division, I bitterly had to declare that the Batter Blasters would three or four peat or however many peat as division champ. It took up to this point to make me right, but lo and behold... there he is atop the division by a whopping .5 game over Butler and his Toontown Corn Army and 1.0 games over the Whores of Paris and yours truly. So this thing isn't over by a longshot, but at this point, my prediction stands. The rest of my predictions were oddball wonky things I did mostly for shits and giggles and none of them are even close to being true. Hell, Tampa not only didn't give Revis a real island, they are making him play zone and not even putting him on his own self proclaimed football island. Go figure.

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