Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 2 Pump Up

I have the afternoon off, so I figured I'd take a break from looking at porn to type the pump up... up. I can't believe how bad the Jets are, btw. I knew it would be an ugly year, Sanchez or not, but wow. Coincidentally I'm not used to seeing The Pats suck, but that was so bad. The whole game was bad. I don't know who booked that, but the NFL Network isn't making a strong case for broadcasting Thursday games all year.

Aside from Pump Up stuff, I should probably plug a lot of important things I'm working on, but I'll spare you all of that for a week in exchange for tolerating a picture of my new dog.

Pump Up Man Song

Pump Up Cover Song

Pump Up Snack Recommendation

Pump Up Uncrate Man Product

Oree Slab. Check it out.

Pump Up News I Heard Today

  • GTAV has boobs. That's what I'm hearing.

Pump Up Bad Season Predictions

  • Hernandez becomes a Bear by the end of the season
  • People start chugging LeBatt Blue to race every Robbie Gould PAT
  • Cam Newton demands a trade in Week 6

Pump Up More Reasonable Predictions

  • Bears give up 3 TDs this week, but Forte gets 2
  • Maurice Jones-Drew gets 100yds
  • Morris gets 50
  • Bengals win! (My prediction is that every Bears opponent wins the following week. We'll see if that lasts. I'll make it until they break it.)

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