Sunday, September 8, 2013

Its prediction time!!!

Lets start with the NFL predictions... AFC East - Patriots - lets face it, everyone else sucks. AFC North - Bengals - I mean, why not... AFC South - Texans - no surprises here AFC West - Broncos - probably going to be the best overall team in the entire NFL now for the more interesting NFC NFC East - Cowboys - I know, hard to believe, but the NYG have O Line issues, RG3 is probably not going to survive a whole season, and neither will Vick... so that leaves me with Romo and company. NFC North - Packers - I really want to say Bears, I really do, but I just cant, not until I see Forte finish a whole season not on the sidelines. Vikings and Lions are both formidable but both are also very one dimensional. NFC South - Tampa Bay - WTF you say? No Saints or Falcons? The Bucs have retooled a bit on D and the Muscle Hamster is the new Ray Rice of the league. I think they got all the tools to make this work. NFC West - Seahawks - This was another tough one, because its hard to pick against San Fran, but there is something about Kaepernick I just don't like. AFC Champ is going to be the Broncos. NFC Champ is going to be the Seahawks Superbowl Champ - Seahawks Now for some BIAL Predictions. The Escape Division will be won by newcomer Gary Roth and his Peoria Hustlers. WTF were we thinking when we somehow allowed Tom Brady, Wes Welker, Arian Foster, and AJ Green to somehow become property of an autodrafted team. We clearly fail. The UIUC Division (which now houses only one person who lives in UIUC BTW) will not go to the expansion team Corn Army. In a league where QBS still gain 6 pts for a passing TD, this puts he odds in favor of one Jeff Pancake and his Organic Batter Blasters to once again hold down the UIUC division. Id love to pick myself here... but RG3 still sorta scares me. GET DOWN MAN JUST SLIDE!!! Don't leave me in the hands of Tony Romo!!!! Now for some player predictions - Tim Tebow will be on an NFL roster by season end. Probably a very bad team that just wants to sell tickets. Im guessing somewhere like Oakland or Jacksonville. - Andrew Luck will outshine RG3. Last year was no fluke, RG3 is damn good, but durability is going to take a toll and the pocket passer will prevail in this forever linked rivalry that isn't. - Adrian Peterson will not be the leagues leading rusher, that will go to M. Lynch and his Beast Mode Skittles!!! - Peyton Manning already has more TD Passes in one game (7) than Jacksonville will have all year. - Florida will give Revis is own island, literally. They got plenty to spare. - Gronkowski will return and lead the NFL TE pool in receptions, yards, and TDs before its over.

1 comment:

Run TMC said...

Yeah I have to agree about the Peoria Hustler's ridiculous auto-draft team. When I looked over my matchup with them this week, I thought I was screwed. Things have gone well, but Foster could still have a monster game against a terrible Chargers team and take this from me.

It's a strange thing when I find myself wishing I'd benched MJD for Reggie Bush.