Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The One True Football God

My brothers, these have been dark times.  Upon this very blog, I have seen the worship of false idols.  There are those who have turned their back on our Savior, practicing heresy in worship to a pagan blood god or the hair of a unmitigated douche.  Do not judge these fallen souls.  The lure of the quarterback is strong and easily accepted.

Yet rest assured, they know in their hearts that their gods are false.  They have borne witness as our Savior was struck down, only to rise again more powerful than we could possibly imagine.  Can you deny it?  Can you refute His Good Word of 2,097 yards and 13 total touchdowns?  He demands no sacrifices, only desiring your love and faith.  

I plead to you, my brothers, accept Him into your hearts and bask your souls in the warmth of His Light.

Praise Purple Jesus.

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