Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Congrats to Our Champion, Tim McCarthy

Riding in on the most blood money since Pan won with Michael Vick, our Jim Jones of a David Koreshian Kool-Aid drinker has downed the purple drank of his Lord and Savior Adrian Peterson, not just thwarting everyone else's hopes and dreams of a BiALeague Championship, but also pushing the Bears out of playoff contention so the world could see the shittiest playoff loss ever. Notre Dame may have had a better shot against Green Bay last week.

Anyway, it's all Tim's fault: The Bears's season, your failed New Year resolutions, the Chiefs losses, the NHL lockout, the popularity of Taylor Swift, dubstep, furry porn, and the violence in Syria.

Nonetheless, here he is. Two time winner of the BiAL Bowl and licensed goat milker, The Notorious T.I.M.

(As always, click for downloadable size, and special thanks to his Stephanie for the Timages.)

1 comment:

Run TMC said...

Thank you, Commish. It is with the utmost reverence and a tear in my eye that I accept our illustrious penguin.