Tuesday, December 18, 2012

So it's come down to this...

Greg VS Pancake again. This time for the playoffs. Historically this has been a bumpy ride. Tough to handle. Tricky one might say. Each of us seem to have been rewarded for our great devotion to our QBs and as a result they are the great might gods of fantasy football.

This week the Blood God Drew Brees comes to slay the one that has lived in pampered luxury. Drew Brees comes from a land wracked with disasters, scandals, and shitty seasons. He has been hardened and tempered throughout the year and he now comes to quench his thirst against the one they call Tom.


The Great and Mighty Drew Brees comes for Tom Brady's neatly tended to hair so that he may rip his skull off and add it to his trophy pile.

Already Tom attempts to tremble and flee

Best of luck to you Greg. You are going to need it...you are going to need it

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