Thursday, December 20, 2012


roadkill - Google Search

How do you end your season when you have been ran over by every team in the league and left for dead?

You play the two week epic duel known as The BIAL Final Fantasy Crisco Taco Bell Roadkill Bowl!

After smuggling their way into the Championship game last year, The Whores of Paris followed up with its worse season in franchise history.

Their opponent is non other than the Overland Park Deskshitters who are appearing in their 3rd consequative last place showdown. The Deskshitters showed signs of life deploying a new tactic of crowd sourced bed shitting which almost put the Deskshitters on the radar and in the playoff picture. But as goes Gronkowski so goes the shitters and down the shitter went their playoff hopes for this season.

Now these two forces of epic fail collide not once but twice to prove who is the crappiest of them all, because just like noone gives a fuck who gets second, they give even less a fuck who gets second to last!!

1 comment:

Pan said...

Kind of amazing Dustin. You are competing for last place in the other league too!