Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ode to Hakeem Nicks

I sat out to make a comment about how competitive this weeks matchup between the best named Tapeworm Autopsies and the Original Original House of Pancake would be. I intended to then talk about the swing of fortunes that occurred this afternoon when Hakeem Nicks did not take the flight to the game, and how that would be awesome for my Victor Cruise...and then I made the horrible mistake of typing in the words 'Foot Injury' into google images. WOW!
All I'm saying is when you type in foot injury you are about to crowd source your next poo because its going to take a very public appearance after you shit your pants in horror. Pan


Barry said...

That reminds me of this sweet post about what happens to a horse when it's bitten by a rattlesnake. Apparently, they have no defense against the venom, and they end up looking like zombie horses. Google it!

Also, I don't think we ever discussed this, but Tapeworm Autopsy was a phrase I used to describe this picture from a good man named Chris Giffin.

Pan said...

You know some of the best unintentional humor here is that on my screen Hacksaws screaming face is barely at the bottom looking up at the foot!

Dustin said...

thats just awesome.

but if you want to be REALLY grossed out... you gotta check out this link. I guarantee its one of the most gross things you will ever see, and this comes from a guy who sees a lot of gross stuff.