Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fail? No... EPIC FAIL!

Typically, one associates epic fail with a blunder of such proportions that it gets immortalized on a web pic. But the Superbowl for BiA League this year was the kind of epic fail that while hard to swallow, is not one of shame.

Anytime you put up over 180 points in a single game, you traditionally win. When you put up 180 points and you dont have the QB who got you to the big game, because he is just that fucking good that he gets to take week 17 off, well, what more can you do but pick up a QB who is playing for something and needs to win.

So i have but only a few regrets about this game, as I had players on my bench that had I "danced with the ones who brought me" I would have walked away with a football penguin to add to my collection of trophies, or if I had come to realize that just starting whoever is the QB for Green Bay is a guaranteed 50 points, things could have been different. But they arent.

So this superbowl is a defeat for me, but an epic one. Never before and probably never again shall we see two teams score 180+ each in the most important of games. Never again, shall we have to turn our heads from our TVs to our computers or phones after each play to see if the narrow margin has become more narrow or widened. If you are going to lose, go out in a blaze of glory, and thats what the 2011-2012 Whores with Sores did. In a league where everyone counted them out, didnt even believe they would make the playoffs, didnt believe they could be the top rated Rosenrosens, and had no chance against the defending champ Batter Blasters. We came, we saw, we came within 10 points of winning it all.

So congratulations to the now two time champ. Enjoy your penguin while you can, because next year the Whores will finish what we started this year, and we have already began building for next year. While most GMs were snoozing or chomping at the bit in anticipation of the league super bowl game, the ole Whores with Sores were securing the lineup for the future, picking up a Darren McFadden who may or may not join Aaron Rodgers and Ray Rice with a keeper tag and adding young WR Michael Crabtree from an up and coming offense guaranteed to take off under Harbaugh.

So thank you all for another great season of BiAL Final Fantasy Football. I look forward to March and our annual March Madness Tournament of Champions to decide next years draft and hope we can see 2 more teams added for next year, and never forget

You fuck with the Whore, you get the Sore.


Barry said...

It's true: BiALeague commish is positing a two-game shorter season, an 8 team league, and a 3 game playoff.

Please register your opinions.

Pan said...

That sounds like win wrapped up in more win. I'm down with it. The question is who to add to the league. Great game Ogle. It was hard pressed and the competition this year from everyone was awesome!

Pan said...

I know Butler would be interested. The last person though would be tough to find

Run TMC said...

I'm in full support of shortening the regular season by two games. There is plenty of room for some team expansions as well. I welcome the changes!