Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We are on to you Barry

So we have all seen his recent video where much like Christine O'Donnell we claims not to be a witch but rather he is 'like you'

well I call bullshit. It is clear that Barry has been putting some kind of curse upon all of his opponents to this point ensuring that they score so low that no one can beat him. I knew something was up during the first match up between us when I scored 99 to his 106. It was clear something like this was going on.

Ah yes. So perhaps not a witch but rather some kind of voodoo practitioner maybe. Well one thing is for sure I refuse to just take it lying down.

So this week its time to fight fire with fire. I begin by performing a 'Break Curse spell'

In a sachet, combine the following herbs: St. John's Wort, sage, calamus and dragonsblood powder. Set the sachet aside for later. Fill an incense brazier with dragonsblood incense. On your altar, you will need an athame, a whole ripe lemon, 1 white and 1 black candle, a bowl of salt and a bowl of water. You will also need a glass or ceramic plate to set the lemon on when you are done. Do not use paper or wood.

Light the candles and the incense. Hold the lemon in both hands and visualize it magnetized and drawing the negative spell away from you. Dip your athame in the water then slice the lemon into three pieces. Set the athame aside and visualize the lemon drawing the negativity away from you and into the pulpy fruit. Repeat the following:

As sour as this lemon be
Charged and cut in pieces three
With salt and water I am free
Uncross me now, I will it be.

Let this lemon do it's task
It's cleansing power I do ask
As this lemon dries in air.
Free me from my dark despair.

Uncross! Uncross! I break his curse.
But let not my simple spell reverse.
I wish no ill, nor wish him pain
I wish only to be free again.

Take each lemon slice and dip it in the salt, making sure it is well coated. Set the slices back on the altar and say:

As it is my will, so mote it be!

Leave the lemon pieces on the altar where they can dry. Once dry the spell is complete and the lemon can be thrown away or buried. If however the fruit rots instead, you must repeat the spell. While waiting for the fruit to dry, keep the sachet with you at all times. It will help to protect you from the effects of the spells and turn away any negativity sent in your direction.

...and then I focus all of my powers against you Barry. Yeah that's right that part where I said I wished no ill will, I lied! I focus my will on my target and ensure that my team should find victory and finally put an end to your undefeated streak. Oh yes. My will. Is. Focused.

Prepare yourself Barry. It's time.


Pan said...

I have to assume my post has stunned Barry into silence, well that or the Douchebag award hid it from view

You are going down Barry DOWN!!!!

Barry said...

I'm actually on injured reserve: my leg has me stuck in bed for the last 3 days.

This injury may work in your favor.

Pan said...

shit, I was targeting your balls not your leg. This is why you shouldn't mess with black magic

Sorry to hear that you are in RL pain Barry, what did you do?