Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 5: Better Know a Douchebag

So here at the headquarters for Better Know a Doucebag, we dedicate our time to making sure you are fully aware of the level of douchery that NFL players are capable of. Really... its for your own protection, and each week we rattle off a few worthy canidates and then crown that weeks Douchebag, but this week, there are none who can compare to the outrageous acts of Minnesota Vikings QB Brett Favre.

So the dirty old man has gone "Tiger" it seems. Allegations are that he sent some "lewd" pictures to a Jen Sturger who worked for the Jets.

WTF FAVRE! You can go sleeping with the ENEMY! Sure sure sure, you WERE their QB a couple years ago and SURE, that was the time period when you sent the photos, but HOW could you possibly want to corrupt such an innocent girl!

I mean, just look at the innocence... she is practically dripping in innocence....

I mean, she has to be like what? One quarter of your age or something? When you won your first and only Super Bowl ring, she was in Kindergarten. True story! And you just swept right on in and deflowered this poor girl.

I really don't know how her reputation will ever recover after getting involved with a guy like you, Brett!

Hide your wives, hide your daughters, hide your grand daughters... there is a doucebag on the loose.

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