Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Your Week 11 Absentee GM Presents: State of the League - A Report of Awful

So, the last three months have been hellish in nature. We've got friends and family dropping, big plans canceled, a 2 day cancer scare (it was really seriously nothing, I'm good), and our cat going through renal failure (we're running cat hospice in my house) while I try to raise a new puppy while I have a chronic foot injury. Basically, it hasn't been fun. I've made enough time for myself to set my lineups, occasionally respond to a post on here, and monitor Twitter/FB feeds on an extremely limited basis while at work (because that's what's allowed).

So that's why we've been bereft of Pump Ups, Man Songs, Awards, and also a traveling championship belt that I was going to get Wildcat to design for us.

But in the meantime, I've been kicking ass! Dude, I've got 4 wins. I beat Gary! My next opponent is Cameron! By League GM standards (and apparently the Royals), I've already won the championship!

So suck it, league. Even in my absence, the lingering presence has taken a dramatic toll on all of your souls. Like some kind of Nettin Yahoo, or The Troll.

So I'm sticking you guys with my Pump Up Song of the Season. It's more of a punishment song. This is the song you should have to sing at karaoke every time I beat you (you, too, Gary!), or at least get Pan to sing it on a Youtube video, so learn the lyrics and get ready. because there's a 20 drink minimum on the BJB World Tour 2013, and three karaoke bars on the path.


Dustin said...

fail Link Is fail Song Isnt linking

Barry said...

I'm watching it in the site riggt now.


Pan said...

Wow Barry sounds like its been rather rough over there. I'm thinking of you.

Of course that isn't to say I'm not also thinking of destroying your fantasy team!

But seriously, I hope everything is going as well as it can for you guys.