Saturday, December 29, 2012

FTWinsor turns heel

Listen, guys, it's championship week and you're all quiet as Christmas mice. Why? You're scared.

FTWinsor, the newbie guy who's really only met one of you and who is completely ignorant of all your Paris, Illinois in-jokes, is in the title game. The nice, quiet guy who's kept his head down ground out wins, has almost beaten all of you, is in the title game.

The past few weeks, I discovered something. The more I call out you fools, the more I seem to win. The more heel I acted, the better I was. So here it is: the full heel turn.

Tomorrow, the Tossers are going down. I beat them once, I will do it again. The Illinois Mafia will be no more - I will rule the league once and for all, and I will finally wear the belt, and no more mister nice blogger. Ever.

1 comment:

The Camdog said...


Seriously, I can't say anything. My season was abysmal. So, I'm going to use my powers of losing at FFB for evil. I'm rooting for the Tape Worm Autopsy. Certainly an endorsement by a FFB owner as terrible as I, will be your demise. I wish you all of the luck that the Lesbian Spank Inferno can muster.