Friday, December 21, 2012

Blogger ap can suck my balls

It wont let me post comments, only create new posts. Balls.

So Jeff, you can blow me too. I am playing for last place in two leagues, and someone named Jeff Pancake is my opponent in that other league lol.

Im in 4 leagues total. Im in the championship game in my Fraternity league (10 team league) and im in the 3rd place game in the Paris Police League (12 team league) so unfortunately all my Fantasy Football luck went to leagues with no prizes except bragging rights.

To BJB, excellent pump up my friend, now prepare to die x2!!!

After the shit ass performances by Aaron Rodgers and Ray Rice, im tempted to not keep anyone for next season, but with 4 keepers per team, its not like better options are gonna surface.

Eh, just eh...

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