Monday, October 29, 2012

Well its that magical time of week...

Where we wait for the inevitable stat adjustment to come along and break the tie game between the LS Inferno and I.

I have lost 3 games this year by a total of 5 points, including the stat adjusted loss to the Deskshitters a couple weeks back.

Any second now....


Barry said...

6:48 cdt: still tied...

The Camdog said...

I must say, I hate ties. I think we all do. I move that next year we put in fractional points as to hopefully avoid ties. It wouldn't really change our scoring method except that instead of waiting until a player gets 10 yards to get 1 point the player will receive 0.1 points for every yard gained. If we keep getting ties under that system there is just no hope for us.

Pan said...


Barry said...

League change proposals document now going up in a new post. Give me a few minutes.