Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trade in progress!

Ok Barry, I have sent you a trade.  I think it's pretty decent.  Lets do this shit.


Pan said...

Don't feed the beast! Barry is the Hot Sundae of this league right now. He started a streak and now he is super sayan...somehow my points have been the ones he has stolen much as in my other league hot sundae has increased her average points by the same amount that my average points are dropping...I call upon the powers of Drew Brees!!!!!!

The Camdog said...


Barry said...

I will trade Peyton Manning for Dood Breez$.

I did not accept Cameron's trade because it would have left me over my Patriot quota, and I would have lost Doug Martin. People I will trade for Doug Martin:

almost any decent DE. Seriously, it's goose egg city up in this.