Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Tale of Two Rodgers

So I play the LS Inferno in two leagues this week. Here in BIAL I am the proud owner of one Aaron Rodgers who i stole as a 13th round pick about 4 years ago. In the Dre League, Cameron is the owner of Aaron Rodgers. So you see our delima here. I offered up an Aaron Rodgers Non Aggression Pact, by which this week become an demilitarized zone free of smoking gun stud QBs that happen to be named Aaron Rodgers, but like some Vladamir Putin wunnabe, Cameron has rejected to sign the non aggression pact, and thus so be it. this means war. Prepare to split 1-1 my friend, you had your chance. but wait... what is this? I have AHMAD BRADSHAW in BOTH LEAGUES!!!!! there is still hope yet. <<<< ------and its that guy


The Camdog said...

Let us be clear. I did not refuse the offer because of Putin-like stubbornness. It was purely for competitive advantage. You see, in BIAL, Dustin has Andrew Luck waiting in the wings to swoop in and fill the QB role against the hapless Titans defense. Surely the young Luck can put up outstanding numbers against that turd sandwich of a defense. On the other hand, in the Dre league, if I decide to bench the immaculate A-rod, I have none other than ...

Carson Palmer ...

to fill the void.

As you can see, there was no real advantage for me in this pact. Dustin benches Rodgers and plays Luck vs. Tenn and probably gets a similar score as with Rodgers, while I bench Rodgers and have to suffer through the mediocre that is Carson Palmer, all the while thinking "Damn, Rodgers could be in there right now". We may end up splitting the match-ups this week anyway but my best chance for getting 2 wins or avoiding 2 losses is by full on Rodgers aggression.

Also, the league I have Rodgers in is played for money. So, there is that.

The Camdog said...

In addition, I have Percy Harvin in both leagues. I match your Bradshaw ace in the hole with an ace in the hole of my own.

Barry said...

I'm gonna take both of your holes and put my ace in each of them. Just ask the 19 point onslaught Baronis dropped on Pan. And the who-the-fuck-is-that respectable point gains of Doug Martin.