Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 BiaLeague Awards: Hall of Fame

Ladies, in a season we didn't know would happen:
In a world filled with doubt and the possibility of tracking 12 Canadians at a time:
In a winter that never really came:
In a barren void of hopelessness:

It came.

And lo, Peyton Manning was there holding the tissue batting clean up.

Folks, I can prove to you that the harbingers of the apocalypse have cleaned their mouthpieces in preparation for their coming symphony, and you should all take heed

  1. Rex Grossman almost looked like a good quarterback
  2. The Bengals are in the playoffs
  3. All the injuries we were told would happen because of the short offseason seemed to only happen to the Bears
  4. ...and Peyton Manning
  5. I heard the most brilliant phrase: "All along we've tried to 'Suck for Luck' when we should have been 'Laying a Turd for Robert Griffin the Third'" The reason this is connected to the apocalypse is because it made me watch like, two games of college football.
  6. And finally, Matt Flynn was my second place candidate for Hall of Fame
As much as I 'd like to take away all of Aaron Rodgers accomplishments by pointing out that Matty Flynn's either Jesus or has a good team around him, I can't deny that Aaron Rodgers has all of the disgusting commentator words that make you feel like your creepy uncle just said "moist": poise, passion, talent, fundamentals, vision... You know, the words that make you want to punch Gruden in the mangina.

For almost taking a team with the same record as the Bears to a fantasy championship, we salute you, Aaron Rodgers. Way to not shit the bed the year after a Super Bowl run. I've elected to plaque-ify a picture of you with a pedophile 'stache, just in case you end up as slimey as Brett Favre later. 

Also: way to not be Favre.