Monday, November 21, 2011

In Which I Lead A Homer Grandstand (aka 'Stop: #CuttyTime')

I've given Cutler a lot of shit, because he's a frequently erratic Quarterback. I've tried to do a decent job balancing my blame on an O-line that resembles something akin to a Goatse O-ring. Kind of amazing-nuts how, in a year where the line manages to hold on occasion, Cutty, in fact, does it. But I hope I've never questioned his toughness.
He's a whiner, a pouter, and he collapses when he's hit like he plays in the Premier League (that was a soccer-flopping reference, you guys). [The latter seems trained, like a pro-wrestler "how to fall correctly." I remember a  WR on Bill Nye years ago talking about inertia, and how to just let your body go loose when you get hit because it could prevent an injury. I figured Cutty about about 70/30 in favor of preservation over dramatics.]

But you know what? when you put him side by side with Rivers, you get a good idea of what a real whiner looks like. When you see Cutler pick a fight with D-lineman, you gotta wonder how much is grandstanding and how much is actual fight (because just like during play, his O-line is likely nowhere to be seen). Rivers jumps up and down like a 2 year old in the ref's face. The best Cutler move of last night was calling a time out, looking a ref dead in the eye, pointing, and saying "That's two on you."

And the two he's referring to were dirty shots he shook off, the worst being a knee to the head that sent his helmet flying off. I thought it was a low blow for players to talk shit on his toughness during the last playoffs, but that's fine. I thought it was unacceptable for the media, however, to do the same. Especially if the NFL is really supposed to be concerned about concussions and long-term player health. I hope last night answered doubters, especially since he broke his thumb going for a tackle many NFL QBs would've just laid down for (or if a Manning, Manningfaced). Of course, that's likely to be questioned, too, by some assholes.

My favorite sports writer even posted this:!/barryap1/status/138394276500484097

So it looks like I'm not completely fanboying this. Cutler's not even close to being my favorite player in Chicago right now, and he pisses me off a lot. If he's out I'm going to be really pissed. But I hope this toughness bullshit is over with.

Also, Never Forget

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