Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 2 Pump Up: Your Sex Cannon is 1 - 0

Grossman's Redskins are 1-0, despite what appears to be a head wound here in this picture.

The Bears are, also, undefeated as of this post. If you don't see it  until after the early games, I feel all kinds of bad for you, especially if you're cashing in some d00d breez$ blood money. But it could be worse, you could have started Peyton Manning this week. Sigh. This will be the Season of Unbreak My Heart, won't it?

Let's get to pumpin'.

Pump Up Man Song

it was in my head this morning.

Pump Up Horrible Cover Song (In Memory of Rob Bironas)

The best part is the dude in the background trying to look cool like he's in the "More Than Words" video or some shit. "Bobbin my head, bro. Sweet tunes, lady. Yeah, I'm just eatin Cheetos or some shit."

Pump Up Man Snack

I don't know about Illinois, but it's hella cold in KC. We used the fireplace yesterday as an alternative for breaking the heater seal. But to honor the frigid wave, I've been forced to break out Poutine in Week 2. Damn guys.

Pump Up Uncrate Man Product

Nike Back to the Future Shoes. C'mon, how could I not pick these??

Pump Up Insane Prediction

Cameron's new mancrush Tampa QB gets injured; out 3 games.

Pump Up Kansas City Band

Stik Figa & D/Will.  This shit's amazing, for real.

So go forth into Week 2! Hopefully it will end better than Ortiz-Mayweather.

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