Monday, August 15, 2011

Tentative Draft Day: August 28th.

People seemed to like the idea of having the draft in one day, so let's aim to make that happen

So let me know what you think.

Also I'm proposing that we cut the number of players per team down to


So anyway, weigh in, let me know what's doable.


The Camdog said...

I like it! I think you can even set up a live draft through espn. That way we can schedule the draft and it will only take an hour or so since people will be on the clock. I suggest we cut rosters even further to 19 that way there is one back up for every position. This should force some good maneuvering and strategies. Plus, I say we add trading into the possibilities. Trading would be fun, and you don't have to do it if you don't want to.

Pan said...

werd I like and Sundays are the rare days where I actually KNOW I'm not working I think that works well for me.

Barry said...

Let's compromise and go 20.

If ESPN is set up like last year, then to use their draft system, the keepers will fill the first four spots instead of taking up their selected-in spot like last year. No big deal on this end, but it might alter some strategies.

I've introduced unlimited trades. No one has trade veto power. Technically it says I do, but there was no "nobody can veto this" option. Do you guys want veto ability, or should we leave it to screw TMC & the Steam Factory when he inevitably gets a 30 game lead on us all?

I've also put in a keeper date of August 22 at midnight... Gonna need some input, guys...

The Camdog said...

I don't think any of us are so uninformed about FFB as a whole for the trade vetoes to really be needed. I see that just as a precaution for someone trying to screw over someone else that has no clue about how it works.