Monday, August 8, 2011

It's On pt. 1

I've now heard from everyone; BIALeague is back in swing. The following things have to be determined.

  1. Are their any motions to alter scoring rules? I'm tempted to add "If Brett Favre plays a single game, everyone loses 4000 points." But seriously, I might be willing to reconsider the over 40yd FG point value.
  2. Keepers: we need to pick them, I'd prefer by the end of next week.
  3. We need a draft day. I'd like to do it all in a single day if we could. I have a serious feeling that this might be difficult, but I need a proposed league draft day. Comment section, y'all.
  4. Do we want to alter the roster size?
  5. Any other issues, leave them in the comments.


The Camdog said...

I like the altered rules for different length field goals. Also, I think the reduction in roster size is needed. I also move that we don't declare keepers until maybe the day before draft day. Keeps the mystery! Plus, that allows us to figure out who gets hurt, who gets bumped to backup slots, who gets cut etc. I suggest having the draft after week 3 of the preseason. Gives us a few weeks to get ready plus all of the actual starters won't have nearly as many chances to get hurt.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.

FTWinsor said...

I'm good with the above.

Run TMC said...

For the draft day, I'm all for doing it in a single day. If we do, weekends are definitely best for me. On that same note, perhaps we could all get on Skype or something of that nature to help keep the process moving.

I'm fine with a roster size reduction, though as to what we'd cut back I'm honestly not sure. I'm with Cam on holding off on keepers as well.