Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Better Know a Douchebag, week 9

WARNING: DOUCHERY is over 9000! At any moment, hair may turn from Super Saiyon yellow... turd brown... its time for this weeks, better know a douchebag. WE being with Lions kicker Ndomican Suh or ... however you spell it.

The rookie defensive lineman had a chance to do what I had called for when he was put in for injured Lions kicker... who gives a shit what his name is...

point is, if this defensive lineman could have just split the uprights, he could have proven once and for all, that NFL teams (and thus Fantasy teams) DO NOT NEED FUCKING KICKERS...

but no... he hit the upright and now every NFL team will be reminded why they pay the dive taking, tackle avoiding, no facemask wearing, pansies to be on the team.

Damn you Necronomican Suh you ruined it for us all!!!!

However, he is not the biggest douchebag this week. No, the biggest douchebag this week goes to the ENTIRE DALLAS COWBOY FRANCHISE!

they have set a new standard for being complete fucks. The only thing they have done right, is build a giant stadium by which to fuck up in. Things have gottens so bad in Dallas, that even the people in the office are now as inept as the players.

So after they fired the head coach this week (bout fucking time i say) all the cowboys fans, including myself, went to the Dallas Cowboys website (Dallascowboys.com) to see what was up in Big D. here is what we found when we went there....

So it turns out that the Dallas Cowboys forgot to renew their website domain. This is the result. FUCKING SOCCER! If I already can't stand NFL kickers because they avoid hits, and take dives, and are in general pansies, then i certainly dont want a full team of em. Furthermore, how the fuck does an organization that has the funds to build the Mecca of fucking football stadiums, costing millions of dollars, forget to pay the 20 fucking bucks to renew their web domain?
that is how inept the Dallas Cowboys have become.
I am now taking applications for a new favorite team.


Pan said...

oh very nice dustin very nice

Meg said...

HA! That is an amazing fail.