Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Better Know a Douchebag - week 11.. or is it 12? Noone gives a shit anyways.

So another NFL week has ended and as expected, we have some douchebags who needs some honorable mention. Lets start with Eagles Wideout DeShaun Jackson.

The Eagles came out and just flat out embarrassed Redskins QB Donovan McNabb on Monday night, but McNabb was not the most embarrassed person come Tuesday morning. No, those honors belong to Mr. Jackson, who after the game made this comment that basically said something along the lines of:

"We were like caged up dogs out there"

WTF Jackson, do you not realize your QB just spent 2 years in prison for that very offense. Sure, sports peoples have used that saying for years, but making those kind of comments when your starting QB has just finally got the monkey off his back, is akin to standing outside a methodone clinic with a bag of pills. You are just begging him to start a new kennel. I mean, do you like Kevin Kolb THAT MUCH?

On to my favorite story from last week. In the Rams/49ers game, the Rams pulled a truely remarkable feat. They appeared to be well within field goal range for kicker Josh Brown, and lined up for the field goal as expected. THEN, they fake the field goal (and thus possibly 3 points) in order to what????? PUNT THE FUCKING BALL? Yes, they tried a short field corner coffin punt with their KICKER!!! Not only was the kick a success, rolling out of bound within the 10 yard line, it cemented my long held belief that teams need to get rid of their kickers all together and what better way to do so, than convert them all to PUNTERS!!!! My hats off to you, St. Louis for leading the charge, HOW-DASH-EVER.... there was douchery afoot. As well as the play was executed, an offensive linemen was penalized for holding...and the play was called back. It was some douche on the special teams, who was too special ed to not know the snap count. While I cannot find a clip of this miraculous play to identify the R-tard who was penalized, he is certainly a douche for ruining this monumental moment where kickers were finally going to be ushered out of the NFL and out of our fantasy lives forever.

Im sure you know who the guilty party is, Mr. Brown... inform him of his douchery. However, my hatred for kickers pales only to my hatred for this weeks DOUCHEBAG... Andy Ried.

Andy is always on the radar and I never take my eye off of him because he is a Notorious B.A.G. and now he has gone... and cloned himself. There are now TWO Andy Ried's. Mind you, that one Andy Reid this year alone has ushered in Quarterback by Committee and traded his started QB to a divisional rival (though that did sort of work out ok), regardless, Andy Reid is a douchebag and now there are two of him. Did he turn to cloning? Unsure. Did he have an evil twin? Unsure. But all we know for sure, is that nothing good can come from this...

You eluded the Douchebag for long enough... but no longer.

Remember other people who had doppleganger look alikes? Hitler, Suddam Hussien, Michael Jackson... and now Andy Reid.

1 comment:

Barry said...

It's a true thing of beauty, one's hatred of Andy Reid. But if he has a clone, you may get away with calling him Dolly.