Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 7 Better Know a Douchebag - the Quarterback Edition

Last week, it was defenders turn to take home the not so coveted honors of being the weeks biggest Douche for ruining football, so of course, in response it seem that this week, it was the NFL offenses that took offense to being left out of contention and responded as only they can.

Now I am not sure what the record is for most total interceptions in any given weekend of NFL football, but if this weekend didn't break that record, they gotta be in a real close second and throwing all those balls and thus robbing us of valuable fantasy points - Quarterbacks!

So this week, EVERY Quarterback in the NFL is getting honorable mention for being a douche. While interceptions are sometimes the fault of a reciever who tips a pass they should have caught (ie the first two picks by Eli Manning in the Monday night game), the vast majority of them are just poorly thrown balls. SO shape up QBs and get your shit together, there is no way that you should be anything but the top scorer on all your Fantasy Owner's teams. Now leading the charge of ineptitude is the Bears very own Jay Cutler, who had this to say about throwing not one... not two... not even THREE, but FOUR, count em FOUR interceptions TO THE SAME DEFENSIVE BACK, one Deangelo Hall.

And thus Cutler, you would lose to them tomorrow as well. Way to go and be a Douche...

WHAT IS THIS? Cutler's award for being a Douche just got intercepted?!?!?!!! By WHO?

A WHAT? A PUNTER!!!!!! No Fucking Way right??!?!?!

Pat McAffee of the Indianapolis Colts just intercepted a Jay Cutler Douchebagging!

It seems that the Indianapolis Punter enjoyed his BYE week so much, he needed a second one. To accomplish this, because the team certainly wasn't going to take a second week off, he went and got himself arrested and suspended by the league for one game.

Doing what you ask? Swimming nude in a public canal. When asked why he was in the Canal, his response to the Police was... "I'm drunk."

So there you have it... another week, another Douchebag.

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