Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ive seen enough: Better Know a Douchebag: week 4

So the Sunday night game winds down and we still have Monday to go. Sure a Pat or Fin could find a way to get in the running for this weeks "Better Know a Douchebag", but competition is rather stiff this week. It seems that the baggery of the last two weeks going to non NFL players (that being the Ohio University Bobcat and BJB respectfully) has really caused the pros to step up their game. So on with the show!

No suprise here. Its Andy Reid. Andy Reid pretty much lives on my Douchebag radar for a couple reasons. 1. He is the coach of the Eagles and I am a Cowboys fan. 2. I have had Donovan McNabb in fantasy leagues for years and he always sits him down when i need him most in the playoffs. But Andy has really outdone himself now. In the post season, he released Donovan McNabb to NFC East rival Washington, preferring to see his team lead by Kevin Kolb. Then when Kolb couldn't hack it and got himself injured, he went to Micheal Vick, the ex con who has seeminly rehabbed his way to superstardom. Only now he is injured. Meanwhile, the QB he realased has lead his Redskins to number 1 in the division, over both the Eagles and the Cowboys. Way to Andy, not only did you find a way to continue to fuck over my Cowboys, but you hosed your own team as well. Who trades a star QB to a division rival anyway? A Douchebag, thats who. But going to a younger squad is a mistake alot of coaches make, so you lose out here again, but as always... you are still on my radar.

Albert Haynesworth. I could really just stop here, but reports are this week, that he left a 2 million dollar check on his kitchen counter for nearly a week before depositing it. I have issue with this for a couple reasons.

1. WTF? NO DIRECT DEPOSIT? There are people in this world who still get their check handed ot them?

2. Didn't this guy just hold out for more money? You got 2 million just sitting on the counter like its spare change and you are holding out? FFS you are now the poster child for what is wrong with America. Millions are jobless and you got 2 mil that you can just sit on your counter next to the toaster.

3. if you make that much money... why dont you play better??

But while I really want to give Albert the Bag o Douche for this week, the Better Know a Douchebag award for week 4 goes to what... a Dolphin? But wait... they havent even played yet! Thats right. its Brandon Marshall. After last weeks game, Sterling Sharpe criticized Brandon Marshall conditioning, saying he looked like he ran out of steam. So Brandon did what all Douchebag recievers do when challenged.... they respond like a Douchebag.

Brandon fired back, mentioning something along the lines that Sterling Sharpe wasn't elite, and not going to the Hall of Fame.

Well considering that Sterling Sharpe's numbers are a league higher than your own, Mr Marshall... i guess that will make two of you not getting a gold jacket, however, as a small token prize... here is this Douchebag.

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