Monday, October 4, 2010

Gonna be Nailbiter tonight!

That will be everyone in the league tonight as the Dolphins take on the Patriots. The game between the Barry and I is at a 9 point showdown, with myself having Randy Moss left to play against Barry's Wes Welker and Brandon Marshall. Not a statistical impossibility, just an improbability. Meanwhile, the Inferno holds on to a 3 point lead with only Yeremiah Bell left to hold off the Rosens Tom Brady. Games are going to come down to the wire

Randy... remember when I called you a Douchebag in week 1... I didn't mean. Ok... I did, but here is a chance to redeem yourself!!!!!

And to help inspire Randy to produce and also to help inspire my team to bigger and better things, I hereby announce the new Team Name for the Fiji Islanders. This comes at request of my Yahoo Franchise who is 3-1 and wishes to no longer be associated with this likely 0-4 team. So without further ado, the new name and image of the Fiji Islanders shall now be....

Paris Whores With Sores

see the tenacity of a bitch with syphillis... thats the sort of passion my team needs to recover from this horrible start to the season.

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