Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Better late than never Pump Up...

Alright, so I dont exactly know how to do all that amazing formatting type stuff, but typically he puts in some metal song to get us pumped, and some lame cover song for Meghan, but I am lame and can't get two videos in one post for some odd reason... so how about we kill two birds with one stone... how about Master of Puppets, sang by The Muppets... that outta do the trick... an awesome metal song, covered by lame ass puppets... the song is for you guys... the Muppets are for you Meghan!

And then um... there is ussually some clever man product so um... how about a Beeramid?

Cuz nothing says im pumped for football like your very own Beeramid of Breeza... you know, where you can go to worship Blood God Drew Breese.

Then typically there would be some quote from some band noone likes, so why not Godsmack?

"Go Away"

I dont really know which Godsmack song that is from, but I am pretty sure its in ever Godsmack song, but no time to giving proper credit for such masterpieces of musical art... we gotta move this Pump Up along!

Albert Haynesworth Tackle prediction...


Suicide Watch:

me... if my team ends up 0-5

So there ya have it... if you are not pumped up for the second half of games already in progress, then there is nothing more that can be done for you!


Pan said...

nice work ogle that is solid. Also sorry to put you on suicide watch

Barry said...

My favorite part is that Albert Haynesworth, who is missing today's game to go to a family funeral, is still predicted to get half a tackle: more than I said he would get when he was supposed to play.

I don't doubt this for a second.

Meg said...

The muppets make Metallica so much better. Thanks Dustin!

My captcha for this comment is "coota." Just FYI.

Dustin said...

you can consider this the "substitute teacher" version of the pump up, where its sort of like having the real teacher in the classroom but clearly the replacement has no idea what they are doing