Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Brief Fuck You...

... to the elephant in the room.

We're not talking about Cameron's epic tragedy of a near comeback this week because we're all still waiting for the scores to Breez$$ it up and change, right? I mean... I look at it every damn day (on the telephone).

Additional eff us of note: The Saints kicker. How does one have such a shitshow and then drop 11 points?. Fantasy cancer: delete!delete!delete!


Pan said...

Yeah no kidding sometimes the scores just don't make much sense. Some how cam gained like 6 points over night. Though I really gotta say Brees throwing a ball to himself to make the difference between cam and I is all I need to prove his divinity

The Camdog said...

fuck that game. it wasnt as bad when i lost by 5 but when i lost by 1, fuck that game!!!