Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Better Know a Douchebag - Week 3

Happy Tuesday morning all you Bears fans and your 3-0 Bears. While you were busy celebrating this unlikely start to your season, you probably failed to notice that there has been some douche baggery occurring, so its now time to get up to speed.

This weeks runner up, is Jets coach Rex Ryan. Rex is typically a loose cannon, but this time he has gone too far. After defeating the Dolphins this week, Rex decided to take a very time honored tradition, one sacred to football at all its levels, and desecrate it. What did he do? He took the cooler of Gatorade, and dumped it on DE Jayson Taylor. WTF REX! First off, you only dump Gatorade on someone when you win THE BIG GAME, not when you win some divisional rivalry in week fucking 3. Today's win didn't clinch you a playoff birth, it didn't send you to the Super Bowl, so therefore, leave the Gatorade alone, it is reserved for champions, which as of this day, you are still not.

While Rex was busy defiling a small piece of sport tradition, this weeks winner of the Better Know a Douchebag goes to none other than our very own BJB.

Yup.. this guy

BJ recieves this award for a couple reasons. 1. He is the last undefeated team in the league. 2. He corrects your spelling. Who the fuck corrects spelling on the internet? You know who? English Majors, thats who. Here in America, when you create something, you get to name it, and when you name it, you can spell it however the fuck you want. Though I am quite sure that Aunt Lorraine is proud of your attention to detail that I clearly lack, and she sends her love.
As the winner of the week 3 - Better Know a Douchebag, you will recieve this Uncle Sam wall poster to remind you everyday when you wake up, that you are a douche, who corrects spelling.

You will also recieve this name badge, to warn everyone else.

Kungradulashionz !

1 comment:

Barry said...

This may be the first Better Know a Douche Bag with an acceptance speech!!!

Fucking beautiful article. I wear this crown with pride.